Welcome to Career and Professional Development at St. 爱德华的 University!

We strive to provide our employer partners with the highest level of recruiting services possible so you can successfully recruit students and alumni from our Hilltopper community. 

On–Campus Recruiting

Thank you for your interest in recruiting St. 爱德华的 University students. We have a diverse population of 4,600+ students enrolled in a variety of liberal arts, 业务, and sciences programs. There are several ways to find and hire the Hilltopper you need, including: 


Create an Employer Account 
Get started with 握手, the official job platform of St. 爱德华的 University and your best way to recruit current students and alumni.

Once your profile is complete, you can post positions for St. 爱德华的 University students and alumni. 

握手 Support 
If you encounter any issues creating an account or posting a position, we are happy to walk you through the process. Reach out to us if needed and refer to 握手 for a number of helpful resources: 

联系 Information

电子邮件: Hire_A_Hilltopper@eqz33i.com 
Phone: (512) 233-1630